“Interference from the ANM”. But the magistrates protest – Corriere.it

"Interference from the ANM".  But the magistrates protest - Corriere.it


Of Adriana Logroscino

Clash between the Keeper of the Seals and the Union of Magistrates. And the majority proceeds compactly on the new bill

«For the result achieved, even to make them nervous oppositions that they split, I’d even give myself a ten. Seeing that the main opposition party split in two is an important result for us». The minister Charles Nordio don’t fear it clash. Indeed he claims it in defending his bill on justice, approved two days ago in cabinet. And he doesn’t even use the foil to halt the magistrates who had harshly criticized the reform. “If the representative of the magistrates’ union – he replies to the president of theAnm, Joseph Santalucia – pronounces very severe criticisms, before the text of the billfor me his are interference. The institutional interlocutor of government and politics is the Superior Council of the Judiciary» he then closes the door. Immediate reply Saint Lucia: «We have not only the right, but the duty to speak».

The Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council, Alfredo Mantovanoright arm of Giorgia Meloniis no less clear-cut than the minister: «This bill is a first decisive signal to reaffirm that politics decides without waiting for dictation from the currents of judiciary associated. When she took office in Palazzo ChigiGiorgia Meloni said “I can’t be blackmailed”: this government cannot be blackmailed, starting with justice”.

With Nordio, up to now, the government majority is compact. Maurice Gasparri gods Come on Italy also issue a warning to Salvatore Busiapresident of theAnti-corruption, which had highlighted the risks associated with the repeal of the crime of abuse of office. “Perhaps he should consider moving on to another function,” the senator sinks. Antonio Tajani he is already looking to the aftermath: “Now the separation of careers”. Support for the reform also from FdI and Lega.

Nordio, in his public speech to Taormina, it touches all the fundamental points of the reform, to defend them on their merits and also to relaunch. The crackdown on wiretapping defined as “barbarism that costs 200 million a year with minimal results” is only a first step: “We will intervene much more radically”. On the brake on the use of pre-trial detention: «We are full of judicial mistakes which kept people in prison for months or years before being acquitted and some of the magistrates responsible were promoted or sit in parliament”. On the repeal of the abuse of office, an issue that divides the Democratic Party, he concedes: “The way it was formulated was evanescent, but if theEurope if you asked us for a remodulation, we would welcome it».

Against the reform and the oppositions are taking sides against the attitude of the minister towards the robes, Third pole excluded. “The Nordio package weakens guarantees of legalityit does not affect the media pillory but the freedom of information», he says Walter Verini of the Pd. «The minister censures the president of Anm, Gasparri the president of Anac. A worrying intolerance towards differing opinions», he maintains Franco Mirabelli (PD). The leader of the M5S, Joseph Contesees in the reform “an organic design” to “liberate enormous spaces of impunity, cancel safeguards against corruption and put the gag to the press».

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June 17, 2023 (change June 17, 2023 | 22:22)


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