In trouble on the Pnrr, the government bypasses Parliament in the throes of the summer holidays. And Gentiloni murmurs

In trouble on the Pnrr, the government bypasses Parliament in the throes of the summer holidays.  And Gentiloni murmurs


“We will involve the Chambers”, promised Meloni. But the dossier with the changes to the Plan does not exist yet, and the possibility of discussing them with deputies and senators is now very remote. Fitto postpones the hearings in Montecitorio, the government makes vague commitments at Palazzo Madama. The August 31 deadline gets complicated. And the European Commissioner says that “the delays are evident”

The problem is that the only thing that doesn’t go on vacation is the passing of time. The European Commission will work at reduced regimes from next week. He will also close the doors of Parliament, under the August heatwave. And therefore the Pnrr, which also, cursed, does not go on vacation, has to deal with the summer calendar. And Raffaele Fitto must do it too, who had made a clear commitment with deputies and senators: “Every step related to Recovery will be discussed in the Chambers”. Only that we know how things go: the accidents, the complications. In short, in the unstoppable development of the negotiations between Palazzo Chigi and Brussels around the Pnrr, one thing appears certain by now: that the House and the Senate will know nothing of that development. Not, at least, with respect to the most important deadline: that of August 31, the date by which the government must see the proposal to amend the Plan approved by the Commission, together with RePowerEu. And to some, perhaps, these fifty days that are still to go will seem like a lot: but Parliament will suspend work between 8 and 10 August. Three weeks remain to hypothesize a discussion and ratification process which – as Minister Luca Ciriani knows well – at present, given the traffic to be disposed of before the holidays, is simply unthinkable. Always assuming, moreover, that by that date, the dossier with the changes to the Plan is ready. Something not obvious, judging by the zeal with which Fitto refused, rescheduling it for who knows when, his hearing on the Pnrr in the Chamber scheduled for Thursday.

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