FdI grows by half a point and increases the gap on the Pd. Curbs the Cav effect. for FI

FdI grows by half a point and increases the gap on the Pd.  Curbs the Cav effect.  for FI


Giorgia Meloni’s party rises compared to the last few weeks, the grillini collapse (and the League rises). For the first time since Berlusconi’s death, Forza Italia loses support

In the latest survey carried out by SWG for Tg La7 Fratelli d’Italia gains half a point and rises to 28.8 percent. On the other hand, the growth of the Democratic Party is lighter, reaching 20.4 percent, obtaining 0.3 percent. The 5-star Movement loses ground (-0.4 percent) reaching 15.9 percent, while the League grows by one 0.4 percent and back to 10 percent. On the other hand, a minus sign for Forza Italia which fell by 0.3 percent (7.2 percent), Action and Verdi and Sinistra dropped by 0.1 percent (respectively 3.6 percent and 3.2 percent). Also Italy alive (2.8 percent) and +Europe (2.4 percent) lost 0.2 percent. For Italy they rose with Comparison by 0.2 per cent (2.1 per cent) and Unione Popolare by 0.1 per cent (1.8 per cent).

There was also a survey on the Santanchè case. According to the survey, 59 percent of voters would agree on the resignation by the Minister of Tourism (38 percent of the majority electorate and 86 percent of the opposition), while 14 percent do not find this decision correct (39 percent of the majority and 5 percent of the opposition).


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