In the Senate the challenge on justice: Renzi-Costa pro Nordio agreement. In the Chamber, the M5S brings the confrontation on corruption to the Chamber

In the Senate the challenge on justice: Renzi-Costa pro Nordio agreement.  In the Chamber, the M5S brings the confrontation on corruption to the Chamber


ROME – The M5S brings the clash on corruption to the Montecitorio hall. The group leader Francesco Silvestri he asked the president Luciano Fontana to ensure discussion and vote in the classroom after what happened in the commission for Community policies. The regulation gives him this possibility. “The reckless rejection by the majority of the EU directive on anti-corruption risks weakening the elements of prevention against crime and creating unnecessary friction with the European Union” says Silvestri who immediately calls for the vote which could fall within a maximum of 10 days, i.e. on 26 July. Wednesday next week.

If the majority has rejected the EU directive on corruption, one tenth of the members of the assembly have the possibility of obtaining the vote of the chamber. Surely the majority will have the upper hand, and will be able to confirm the commission’s vote, but the battle on corruption moves to the hemicycle. It ends up in the spotlight. He comes out of the closed commission. And a debate hitherto reserved for a few becomes public, in which the majority has opposed a European dictate, arguing that it can be circumvented. Now the majority will have to explain it in the classroom, and support a public debate.

Not a trivial matter in this poisoned climate. In which the Quirinale made the only possible choice, to send the Nordio bill to the Chambers, since the Chambers are sovereign in evaluating and modifying it and finally approving it. Only at that point will the President of the Republic be able to verify the effective constitutionality of the text. That is, to what extent Italy can ignore the guidelines of Europe, violating article 117 of our Charter which in the first paragraph of article 117 reads as follows: “legislative power is exercised by the State and by the regions in compliance with the constitution, as well as with the constraints deriving from the community system and international obligations”. This paragraph of the charter has already been violated.

One fact is certain: in the face-to-face meeting between Mattarella and Meloni, the premier had assured that she would make “a reflection on Nordio’s text”. At the state of the proceedings, and after the vote of hers in the commission for Community Policies, it really seems that the rejection of the abuse of office is definitive. Beyond the political pats, from the series “Nordio is not a politician, he must learn to be one”, the ideas of the former prosecutor Keeper of the Seals move quickly. As confirmed by the full support of the majority on abuse of office and trafficking of influences, wiretapping, secrecy of investigations, separation of careers. Because this will be the next step on which the majority intend to move forward quickly. Forza Italia does not compromise, it wants separation.

Even today, in Palazzo San Macuto, lawyers define it as a “necessary reform”. And they invite the most sensitive undersecretary among those in via Arenula on this issue, the deputy minister Francesco Paolo Sisto, who never fails, in his numerous television interventions, to recall how the reform of the separation of careers is a fundamental step for justice to be implemented in this legislature.

The Nordio reform, if we can speak of reform, is now going to the Senate. In the hands of the Northern League president of the Justice Commission Julia Bongiorno. And he is ready to take the stage away from her Matthew Renzi. Which in a surprise move, on axis with Henry Costa of Action, he was moved to the Justice Committee instead of Ivan Scalfarotto. The intention is clear, and it was expressed by Senator Rignano himself, saying that he wants to have his say on the whole justice package. Abuse of office, trafficking in influence, crackdown on wiretapping, gag on the press, secrecy of preliminary investigations, the latter a chapter that Nordio intends to further tighten. The idea is to devise a system that prevents journalists from publishing news concerning the preliminary investigation phase. That is, the ones that go in the newspapers. As it should be. We risk not knowing anything about a case like that of the Santanchèor of the checks on La Russa’s son, we would have known nothing of the investigations into the violation of professional secrecy by Delmaster, the life of the court reporters will become hell. That’s how Nordio wants it.


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