In praise of the Silent Fountain, the anti La Russa

In praise of the Silent Fountain, the anti La Russa


And here we go again. Ignatius LaRussa makes revisionism prêt-à-penser on the attack in via Rasella, yet another episode of a MSI past that does not pass and of post-fascism not enough post, to the predictable irritation of Giorgia Meloni who would not need other controversies, especially in a moment delicate like this. And to say that the centre-right government has a model of decent institutional silence at home. Take Lorenzo Fontana. What happened to the Speaker of the House? He was elected on October 14 and has since disappeared from the radar. The usual cynics say that Meloni I’s Italy is so right-wing that there are already desaparecidos: the fact is that Fontana, apart from his duties in office, does not show up and does not speak. And to think that more interventionism could have been expected from a politician who, in terms of ideas, is firmly to the right of Torquemada. To say, it was legitimate to fear a replica of the unforgettable Irene Pivetti first way, remember? Wrong neck, tight mouth, all a convent pallor, a scarf knotted up to the chin like a wimple, a cross from the Vendée (years later, we found it on TV in a fetish version, covered in black leather, there are historical recurrences which in the however, they rose to Pirandellian peaks, Pivetti one, none and one hundred thousand, but with hindsight one would say, perhaps, above all none).

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