In Lombardy FI ​​and Lega work side by side to steal the super Department of Health from FdI

In Lombardy FI ​​and Lega work side by side to steal the super Department of Health from FdI


Fontana, with the support of Salvini and Berlusconi, would like to keep Bertolaso, but for the heavier seat FdI would like one of his men, Dice Santanchè, who is the Lombard coordinator of the Melonians: “We need to do better on health”

There’s a time to win, and there’s a time to argue. In Lombardy, the center-right triumphed, but immediately after the victory (and related celebrations) within the parties, the race for junta balances has started. FdI confirmed the overtaking already certified four months ago in Lega policies: Meloni’s patriots are the first party with 25.2 percent, but with a figure more than two percentage points lower than in September. Lega and FI who, thanks to the candidacy of Fontana’s former deputy Letizia Moratti with the third pole, feared defeat and definitive overtaking have instead held. The Carroccio actually improved the outcome rising from 13 to 17 percent. In the province of Como he is the first party, virtually adding its votes to those of the Northern League governor’s civic list, surpasses FdI also in the provinces of Varese, Sondrio, Lecco, Cremona and Brescia. Each party is now trying to read this data to add grist to its mill. This is what the discussion will focus on in the next few days. Immediately Daniela Santanchè, together with Ignazio La Russa colonel of the Melonians in Lombardy, had underlined the primacy of her party. “It is clear that the balance will change”. However, the resistance to the rebalancing of the junta is very strong. On the one hand there is Santanchè determined to assert Melon’s supremacy in Lombardy, on the other there are Fontana, Salvini and the regional coordinator and Berlusconi’s loyalist Licia Ronzulli, ready to play on the side and to underline the central role of the Northern League governor on the electoral outcome. “I won’t say anything about the names, duties and honors belong to Fontana, the Northern League secretary said yesterday. The main issue concerns the super department for Welfare and Health, an office that alone is worth 23 billion, 80 percent of the regional budget.

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