In Brindisi “anti-fascist” front against the mayor who welcomed the Albanians

In Brindisi "anti-fascist" front against the mayor who welcomed the Albanians


Giuseppe Marchionna, supported by the center-right together with the third pole, it was the most voted in the first round. He had been mayor of Brindisi in 1991, when he faced the great landing of Albanian refugees with humanity and ability

Toasts. If Brindisi does not have a regasification terminal, the main responsible lies with the lawyer Roberto Fusco. A civil lawyer who in the 2000s, on mandate from the municipality and province, fought in the courtroom up to the European Commission to challenge, confiscate and block the British Gas project. Today the Democratic Party candidates him for mayor of Brindisi, the only administrative capital in Puglia. After he showed up in 2012, without results, supported by Italia dei Valori and Rifondazione Comunista. Then, given his affinity with Giuseppe Conte, he moved on to the M5s. The Democratic Party, to support him at a Giallorossi breakfast, unloaded the outgoing mayor Riccardo Rossi, with whom he was in the majority until the last day, and who reappeared, without reaching the ballot, with Bonelli and Fratoianni.

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