In 2021 FdI and Fazzolari wanted to extend the power of the Court of Auditors over the Pnrr

In 2021 FdI and Fazzolari wanted to extend the power of the Court of Auditors over the Pnrr


The bill presented two years ago by the same sovereign right, the legitimate meddling of magistrates in the administrative procedure, went in the opposite direction of the one followed today

Extend the powers of the Court of Auditors on the Pnrr. That is exactly what the patriotic government wants to fight. And it is, and it seems impossible, exactly what the sovereign right wanted to achieve, a year and a half ago. The bill 2185 still lies in the archives of Palazzo Madama. Among the first signatories: the Melonian senator Giovan Battista Fazzolari, current undersecretary to the Prime Minister. Who evidently, in preparing the meeting held yesterday at Palazzo Chigi with the president of the Court of Auditors, Guido Carlino, must have made an effort to explain why today it is necessary to do the exact opposite of what he proposed to do in April 2021. Because the bill presented at the time – signed, among others, by the Northern League Candiani and Romeo, as well as by the Melonian Malan – it went exactly in the opposite direction to that now followed by the government.

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