Ilva, Ita, Mps and the others: here are the costs not included in the budget law

Ilva, Ita, Mps and the others: here are the costs not included in the budget law


Among the possible nationalizations, Lukoil and above all Tim are also at stake, the most strategic and costly operation of all which puts the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti under stress. By calculating the expenditure, the funds that have not found themselves in the maneuver for a more effective cut in the tax wedge are already at stake

More than a budget law, it looks like another Aid decree to deal with the emergency. Money is scarce and Giorgia Meloni, rightly so, does not want to break through the public budget. The real criticism isn’t that it’s a “small little” maneuver as he titled The Republic, but that misuses the scarce resources available. For the government, the main problem is to buffer the past by repaying part of the payments for high energy costs, not to face the immediate future, ie the risk of a collapse of the GDP. Thus, there is no room for the tax wedge which can have a more effective anti-recession impact.

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