Families, the aid provided for by the maneuver: paper spent for incomes up to 15 thousand euros and the single check

Families, the aid provided for by the maneuver: paper spent for incomes up to 15 thousand euros and the single check


Aid to families and businesses

The government led by Giorgia Meloni has launched its first Maneuver (which you find here, explained in detail). Below, the measures for families.

A maneuver that will help families and businesses to which they will give a real hand, all the government representatives repeat in explaining the first budget law of the Meloni government in the midst of the energy crisis and high prices. And the first interventions in favor of families are also marked by the birth rate with the doubling of the monthly contribution for large families. For the poorest ones, instead of eliminating VAT on bread, pasta and milk (which would have resulted in negligible savings for families), the executive preferred to allocate 500 million euros to the savings card that the Municipalities will give to the poorest needy. And yet it manages to pass the 5% VAT cut on baby products (nappies and baby food), now at 22%, together with the tampon tax. Then there is the whole tax package which includes discounts, deferments and the cancellation of debts up to 1,000 euros. And the raising of the maximum limit for cash payments to 5,000 euros is in the works.


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