“I’ll explain why I asked Schlein not to come and support me in Vicenza”. The Possamai dem speaks

"I'll explain why I asked Schlein not to come and support me in Vicenza".  The Possamai dem speaks


The Pd in ​​name, civic spirit in fact, “the ballot like the playoffs of my Lane”, says the mayoral candidate who scares the center-right. “Zaia’s farewell to the region will soon mark the end of an era: this time we cannot be caught unprepared”

Keep beating house to house. “Every day, from here to electoral silence. Except Monday night: I’ll be in the corner cheering on Lane.” Giacomo Possamai doesn’t make it a mystery. “Perhaps it is my only point in common with Francesco Rucco”, the outgoing mayor of Vicenza. “Because here football is a faith for everyone, regardless of category”. And while the team is in full fight to return to Serie B, the city returns to the polls on 28 and 29 May. “The ballot is like the playoffs: you start from scratch, aware that you have to play a very different game from the first round”. Where the young dem candidate has gone beyond all expectations: in the heart of the Veneto, in front of the center-right. “Rucco was already claiming victory, waving a poll that gave him a 17-point margin. We will not make the same mistake”. But the enthusiasm is there. “Sure: we are carrying out an unprecedented political operation”. Meaning what? “Transmitting a tailored message for the city. From the environmentalist civic list, supported by Verdi and the Italian Left, up to the Third Pole and Matteo Tosetto “, former deputy mayor of Forza Italia. In short, a broad coalition. “Yes, but designed for Vicenza. Precisely for this reason I wanted to avoid the fashion show of the big names”, insists Possamai. “Giorgetti, Urso, Donzelli came from the other side. And Salvini, four times ”. On the Pd side, however, not even a shadow of Schlein. “I would have done the same with Bonaccini, whom I voted for in the primary. It’s a question of transparency: the citizens choose between me or Rucco. The comparison has a local dimension. So it’s better to accept the testimonies of the administrators: Sala, Giordani, Nardella, Palazzi, Tommasi “.

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