“I still win after dark.” Rehabilitation and tight controls – Corriere.it

"I still win after dark."  Rehabilitation and tight controls - Corriere.it


Of Simon Ravizza

The leader of Forza Italia resigned after 45 days of hospitalization: at home, the nightmare is over

Respiratory rehabilitation and tight controls what awaits now Silvio Berlusconi, since yesterday shortly after 1 pm back to Villa San Martino in Arcore after 45 days at the San Raffaele, the longest hospitalization ever, of which 11 days spent in intensive care. Finally home and my return has warmed the hearts of our big family. It was an agonizing and difficult period, but after dark I won again – wrote Berlusconi in the evening -. I never felt alone and continued to have hope and faith.

The trusted doctor Alberto Zangrillo and the oncologist Fabio Ciceri do the math with his desire to go home at least since the end of April: in these long weeks the ex prime minister’s understandable need to return to his family environment, the desire to participate in person at the Forza Italia convention on 5-6 May (even if he almost never took his head off the political dossiers) and the countdown set off at regular intervals as if it sounded a good omen make his resignation seem imminent several times. The well informed know, however, that still until yesterday morning there is nothing certainso much so that the release from the hospital is not officially announced.

Difficult to predict the password which accompanies Berlusconi’s days at the San Raffaele from 5 April, the day in which the news of the leukemia he has been suffering from for some time becomes public, but which at that moment brings with it serious complications, pneumonia and kidney failure. Precisely because of the difficulty, indeed the impossibility, of planning from May 3, after the seventh medical bulletin announcing a stable clinical picture and the continuation of therapies aimed at controlling the haematological disease, there is a blackout of official information. So difficult to make predictions still remains the recurring phrase repeated by those closest to them for whom what at times seems impossible comes true: those resignations at certain times perhaps not even the most hoped for, the umpteenth test of resistance of a man who has accustomed us to a narrative with references to the miraculous. It is useless to deny today that the FI leader’s hospitalization at San Raffaele has dramatic phases: for 10 days there is fear for his life.

The days are hectic, the exams out of control, the white blood cells skyrocketing, and to complicate the picture of the serious haematological pathology, there are also renal failure and pneumonia. His life hanging by a thread. The usual doctor Zangrillo, who obsessively escapes the cameras, and the oncologist and hematologist Fabio Ciceri face the toughest challenge. The children always present, Marta Fascina never leaving the hospital room, first on floor -1, then from 16 April on the first floor of pavilion Q: the solvents department directed by cardiologist Giulio Melisurgo four floors away from the glittering rooms of the now known Diamante that on this occasion are not suitable for the hospitalization of the former prime minister.

The video broadcast at the FI convention on May 6 and the one with the invitation to vote for the administrative elections of May 14 and 15 have scenography studied in detail, but cannot hide the reality of a man tried by the long and difficult, even if the fortitude is intact. And the one that probably plays a significant role in his return home. A good news. Come on Silvio. We are waiting for you on the field to fight many battles together, tweets Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. And the leader of the League Matteo Salvini comments: Welcome back home great Silvio! The decision to leave from the rear entrance, the one in recent weeks reserved for the entrance of the children, with via Olgettina manned by agents of the Digos in plain clothes. In the evening the message of thanks from him: The nightmare is over, he writes, concluding the letter with Viva la vita, semper!.

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May 20, 2023 (change May 20, 2023 | 07:36)


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