Ideas to attract young people (who are missing) in the public administration

Ideas to attract young people (who are missing) in the public administration


Why should a young person work in the Public Administration? It is not a rhetorical question but an open challenge “because young people – Luca Pesenti, professor of Sociology at the Catholic University tells Il Foglio – underestimate this opportunity partly due to a negative narrative that has been going on for decades, partly because often the front lines of public offices confirm the narrative itself: of a bureaucratic, plastered, dusty world. But that’s not all: there are points of excellence in the Public Administration in which it can be satisfying to work and we need to start talking about it”. To understand more, Cattolica carried out an initial survey on a sample of three thousand graduates and undergraduates who, Pesenti underlines, come from various Italian areas in equal measure: north-east, north-west and central-south. Well, they are in the top three places in the perception of the ideal job for young people a fair salary, career opportunities and a good internal climatecharacteristics that, at least in the first two cases, are more difficult to find in public offices.

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