Ideas against the a priori rejection of territorial differentiations in teaching

Ideas against the a priori rejection of territorial differentiations in teaching


Last November, with the newly installed government, the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Robert Calderoli, presented the draft bill to the regions “Provisions for the implementation of the differentiated autonomy referred to in article 116 of the Constitution”, a provision which was then hurriedly approved by the Council of Ministers on 2 February. A date chosen, not by chance, close to the regional elections of 12 and 13 February. Not by chance because the theme of autonomy is more used for political propaganda than for the substance of the issues. In terms of the competences of the state and the regions, it is difficult to think that the government can really engage simultaneously in the Pnrr and in differentiated autonomy. Virtually all of the Pnrr needs central coordination. In matters such as energy, transport and industrial policies, the question is if anything whether coordination should be European.

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