Before inventing new things, INPS should think about making its core business work

Before inventing new things, INPS should think about making its core business work


A “national welfare agency” is coming: INPS will take care of reminding us who we are and what our rights are. But perhaps, before activating new ways of offering services, it would be appropriate to be able to offer them promptly and efficiently

We learn with great satisfaction of the brilliant initiative put in place by our National Institute of Social Security. A “national welfare agency” much earlier and much more than “the pension institution”, as has been observed. In the next few days, as many communications intended to inform citizens about the benefits they can access. A Copernican revolution: for example, new mothers and new fathers will first be informed of the existence of the baby bonus, then of the nursery bonus, and finally of the characteristics of the single allowance. In short, we will no longer have to desperately Google the word “bonus” to find out if our ticket has been drawn in the homonymous lotterynor should we frantically compulse the doorman who, enjoying the esteem of the authoritative tenant upstairs, is certainly informed about the latest legislative news or try to extract confidential information from the barber – who notoriously knows much more than imagined. None of this: INPS will take care of reminding us who we are and what our rights are. As authoritatively underlined by the president of the Institute, “the line is no longer waiting but having a proactive attitude”.

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