Iannacone’s program away from the Rai schedules

Iannacone's program away from the Rai schedules


An outburst entirely directed towards Viale Mazzini and its new governance: “For Rai, quality does not pay”. Dominic Iannaconejournalist from Molise of the third channel, I entrusted to social networks all the bitterness for the cancellation from the schedules of his program What am I doing here. All this despite – according to Iannacone – his being one of the most popular formats on public TV. But Rai defends itself: “There was no cancellation”.

The accusation of the journalist

“A person at Rai who still respects me sent me the Qualitel report which establishes each year, through a large and reliable sample of interviewees, which programs are the most loved and appreciated by the public. Reading it, one is convinced that Rai applies a method contrary to all logic: the more the offer is considered worthy, the more it is mistreated or worse yet cancelled”. Super Quark one of the reference programs of the public service”.

An inexplicable choice, according to Iannacone. “It’s really true: Rai makes pans but forgets to make lids”. And he concludes sadly: “The question of my program being canceled from the schedules is part of dynamics that have little to do with the quality of the television offer. In recent years I have had to strenuously defend the space, finding consensus from the public, critics and listeners. Having deleted What am I doing here (they say for the moment) is a way to deny these arguments and to better defend oneself against objections”.

Rai’s reply

Rai defends itself and expresses “astonishment” as “there was no cancellation”. On the contrary – says Viale Mazzini in a note – the In-depth Studies Department had included the program in the Rai 3 schedule for four evenings from 9 September next”, but “the change of production company has created some problems in the certification of the rights of the format which is always required”. A circumstance that “prevented programming in September, moreover to the detriment of the company which had to find other products to place in the programming spaces already destined for the programme”.


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