Governing with appointments. Because Meloni better win

Governing with appointments.  Because Meloni better win


Eni, Enel, Poste, Leonardo. And then Terna. What’s at stake politically on nominations? And what does Palazzo Chigi need to use the Draghi method? Reasons to hope for a transversal Melonian all-in

Brothers of Italy or Brothers of Giavazzi? It’s a power match, obviously, and it’s the first big match of this kind that Giorgia Meloni plays. But around the ballet of the nominations of the state subsidiaries, nominations that will largely be defined today, there is much more. And there is, first of all, the x-ray of a crucial leadership, which tells us a lot about his state of health, relations with allies, divisions in his party, collaborations with opponents and the possibility that a political government , like that of Meloni, can reply on appointments a method similar to that applied by its predecessor. In summary: he commands Palazzo Chigi, and the rest matters little.

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