Giorgetti’s reform to divide the Mef splits hairs in four

Giorgetti's reform to divide the Mef splits hairs in four


He announces the organizational reform of the ministry, but it takes at least a year. There are the eyes of the Quirinale. In Via XX Settembre there is talk of “gambling” and the new general manager “as a non-operative”

The director in charge was unwelcome, the new one didn’t take measures, the third one, who should work alongside the new one, has a job that doesn’t exist yet. On 19 January 2023, the day Alessandro Rivera, director general of the Mef, was dismissed, the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, announced in the CDM a reform of the Treasury’s organizational model. It is a reform that ministry officials today define as a “gambling”, “complex from a legal point of view”, “the creation of a redoubt”.

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