From the Mes to the flood commissioner, the knots of the majority

From the Mes to the flood commissioner, the knots of the majority


The Aventine on the contrary, an absolute novelty in Parliament, with the majority leaving the commission and passing a first vote on the Mes of the oppositions. And a second unpublished, a Council of Ministers postponed, surprisingly, for unspecified “personal reasons” of the Prime Minister. Thursday was not the best day for Giorgia Meloni, also grappling with the grain of the Santanché case, with the Minister of Tourism ready to sue and the party that is rallying around her.

The reasons for the tension

The premier, says some ministers have had the opportunity to talk to her, would be quite irritated by the fuss that has arisen over the Mes, but also by the distinctions, tensions and slip-ups that are repeated in Parliament between the majority parties. So much so that she blurts out, she reports more than someone, “keep it going and let’s go back to counting the vote”. Certainly the sudden postponement of the Council of Ministers does not help to reassure spirits. On the contrary. It is said that Matteo Salvini did not take it well at all. It had to be the Council of Ministers of the highly anticipated reform of the Highway Code, which the leader of the League has been telling for weeks, and even more after the case of the Roman youtubers and the 5-year-old boy who fell victim in Casalpalocco. Provision that Salvini still goes to explain on television in the evening. In addition, the prime minister and deputy prime minister also discussed the appointment of the commissioner for reconstruction, which many expected to arrive at the then postponed government meeting, precisely in conjunction with the first ok to the framework bill with the general rules for interventions after disasters.

Towards the vote in the House

And it is not the first time that the two have disagreed on post-emergency management in Emilia Romagna and in the other areas affected by the floods in May. Pure news, however, sees the majority finding, with difficulty and after numerous contacts between the group leaders, a unified position on the Mes. Nobody shows up in the Foreign Affairs Committee where Pd, IV-Azione and +Europa vote on their own (with the abstention of M5S and Avs), the adoption of the basic text which calls for the ratification of the reform of the European mechanism. The League, they say, would have been the most riotous to convince and suspicions about the risks of surprises are chasing among the ranks of FdI if really on June 30, as scheduled, we will go to the Chamber. Just as Meloni will be busy with the European Council – which he talks about with Roberta Metsola whom he saw yesterday at Palazzo Chigi, together with Raffarele Fitto until around 5.30 pm, when the meeting of the Council was originally supposed to take place.

Exit strategy under consideration

Brussels is watching the Italian debate “with attention”, meanwhile European sources say. And it is no mystery that in the end we expect the go-ahead for ratification. A solution to which the majority would, they say, have now resigned. But the right “narrative” must be built. For this you are trying to buy referral time in referral. What will happen is not yet clear. We would be thinking about various exit strategies, from the reply of absenteeism – “unjustified” for the Democratic Party which speaks of an “indecent” majority – but it would be sensational in the Chamber, to the hypothesis of some amendment that reassures that the Mes will not be never requested by Italy, perhaps by setting specific conditions such as a qualified majority for the go-ahead for access.

The commissioner “is a manager”

A subject with managerial skills, who will also have the right to act in derogation from the Procurement Code and whose appointment will take place in agreement with the Regions and Autonomous Provinces concerned. The draft framework on post-disaster reconstruction is taking shape and could pass the test in the Council of Ministers next Tuesday. All in view of the future decree law which will then specifically concern the measures for post-flood management in Emilia Romagna. The framework bill on post-disaster reconstruction (which concerns every possible case) establishes the tracks on which the future reconstruction commissioner in the region will be able to move and it is now definitive that it will not be the governor Bonaccini, who however is pressing the government (“I won’t allow myself to say who it should be, only that they do it quickly. My predecessor, Vasco Errani, after the 2012 earthquake, was appointed after a few days”)


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