From 5 Stars to De Luca, the turmoil of Giarrusso who is now asking for asylum in the Democratic Party

From 5 Stars to De Luca, the turmoil of Giarrusso who is now asking for asylum in the Democratic Party


Over the top character, skilled with words and turbulent in relationships. After becoming an MEP with the grillini and co-founding “South calls north”, for the former Hyena it would be the third party in the space of 4 years

Struck by the political history of Stefano Bonaccini, the former Hyena Dino Giarrusso is preparing to make its (not very triumphal) entry into the Democratic Party: it would be his third party in a few years. The MEP from Catania, after falling in love with the 5 Star Movement, was the co-founder of a less fortunate container: ‘South calls North’. The symbol of the party set up with Cateno De Luca, before arguing on the eve of the last Regionals, was definitively stolen from him on January 7, following a sentence by the Court of Messina which rejected his appeal (because unfounded).

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