Freedom: a word, and an idea, almost absent in the public debate, right and left

Freedom: a word, and an idea, almost absent in the public debate, right and left


He has a supporting role, never a protagonist. Yet freedom is not only right, it is also necessary for a prosperous future. An investigation into Italy with its hands tied, on the eve of Liberation Day

There is a word on which tomorrow, Liberation Daywe should all stop and reflect: freedom. Freedom, in the Italian public debate, is simply not there. Not that it’s completely absent. There is in spite of himself. There is incognito. There is a supporting role but without ever having a leading role. When Giorgia Meloni, in the speech of trust, said that “our motto will be: don’t disturb those who want to do”, she paid homage to the freedom of individuals to undertake and create economic value, anticipating and satisfying the needs of others. When Elly Schlein argued that “there is no reason to deny recognition, the right to exist in this community” to the children of same-parent couples, he acknowledged that people should be able to choose how their lives are organized. Everyone, supporters and opponents of the government, tomorrow will declaim thoughtful speeches around the freedom that is so dear, as anyone who has refused life for her knows – and thanks to whose sacrifice we are here today to fight.

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