Fiscal delegation, less taxes on the thirteenth and for those who move to internal areas

Fiscal delegation, less taxes on the thirteenth and for those who move to internal areas


Fiscal delegation: what changes

The tax reform is starting to go live, after the first go-ahead from the Chamber, the text will pass to the Senate. There are many innovations: from the detaxation of thirteenth month payments, overtime and production bonuses to the gradual overcoming of Irap and superbollo. Furthermore, the tightening foreseen in the first version of the text on the online sale of e-cigarettes has been relaxed. The ban will no longer relate to products from any foreign state, as initially envisaged, but only outside Europe but those who order them will have to collect them from tobacconists or specialized shops.

Read also:
- Detaxation of thirteenth month payments and overtime, goodbye advances for the self-employed. The tax reform in points


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