Fini dalla Annunziata talks about Donzelli and Delmastro

Fini dalla Annunziata talks about Donzelli and Delmastro


From Superbonus to chance Cospito-Donzelli-Delmastro. Gianfranco Fini 260 degrees on the Meloni government. That “as Bonaccini said”, the former president of the Chamber is keen to point out, “she is not a fascist, she is a smart right-wing woman”, she tells Lucia Annunziata’s ‘Mezz’ora in più’ on Rai3 . And Forza Italia and Silvio Berlusconi? The party “is a monarchy”, and its leader “is the supreme court. All its ministers voted in favor of abolishing the Superbonus, the government’s measures on Ukraine” are not imploding, there is a dialectic within that party”. A jab also at FdI on the intervention in the Chamber of John Donzelli which then involved the undersecretary Andrea Delmastro creating a legal case now under consideration by the Jury of Honor. “The Chamber of Parliament is not confused with the rally square. Accusations are not made, which in this case are unfounded”, says the founder of the National Alliance. Which however, in excessive tones, also the opposition and in particular the Democratic Party. “Tones are an important part of the political debate – he says – and this applies to the majority and the opposition. You cannot always shout at the opposition. The Democratic Party does not follow the path of the M5S”.

For Fini, the Superbonus which is animating the political debate in these hours by creating divisions within the majority “is a poisoned fruit left to the government and to Italy by the Conte government supported by the Democratic Party. 110 billion have already been spent to meet the expenses. This is a fact that no one can deny, the government has no responsibility and there is a huge debt. Whoever made this Superbonus made the trouble”. Same concept reiterated today by Melons in his social column ‘Giorgia’s notes’. “The prime minister was right to say enough – she adds – then it is right for FI to say that some changes must be made to these credits enjoyed by companies that the banks do not want to release”. Berlusconi’s party in the CDM voted to stop, Fini underlines, then they said it was necessary to reflect on problem loans, and “if constructive criticism comes out of a majority, it must be accepted, it has happened in all governments, and I take it for granted that the they will be. Nothing new under the sun. It is solved. The trouble was made by whoever conceived the Superbonus “, he reiterates.

Donzelli case on the anarchist Alfredo Cospito. Fini sticks Meloni’s loyalist: “You don’t confuse a Chamber with a rally, Donzelli has forgotten that he is a very authoritative exponent of the party of the Prime Minister… Even more, Delmastro, the day when Meloni says low tones, he declares: ‘The Democratic Party bows to the mafia’. Totally unfounded accusations”. That appeal, explains the former Speaker of the Chamber, to appease spirits and tones “are an important part of the political debate if it is to be in the name of civility and mutual respect. It applies to some members of the majority and to a good part of the opposition, with the Pd which I hope will choose this path after that long litany of the congress”.

One last comment on Berlusconi’s positions on Ukraine and Putin. “Things already known, his utterances damaged Berlusconi in the first place, as can be seen from the decisions of the Ppe who deserted Naples, Weber he noted the embarrassment of the delegations from other countries. Berlusconi then corrected, saying that he ‘is a man of peace’, and it is true. Meloni is now right to go to Kiev, all the more reason. After that – concludes Fini – the facts count, and Forza Italia has always voted for all the government measures. Then there’s the embarrassment.”


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