Fewer helmets and more firing on immigration: Salvini is back Salvini

Fewer helmets and more firing on immigration: Salvini is back Salvini


Between one announcement and another of astonishing public works, the head of the Carroccio realized that Meloni is in difficulty due to the landings and immediately took advantage of it. Do you ever see that the Italians still fall for it

The other evening on TV Matteo Salvini said “European” at least a hundred times: European uselessness, European position, European absence. And all this between close-ups, panoramic shots and very European tracking shots. It looked like a cinema, in fact, the “European”. Here is the summary of the newspaper the weather: “Matteo Salvini uncovers Brussels’ shortcomings on European policies. The Minister of Infrastructure calls for urgent and targeted interventions to resolve the immigration issue. ‘Either Europe wakes up or I wonder what sense it has to exist’”. At this point, we cannot and do not want to hide our affectionate emotion at having finally rediscovered the Salvini of the good old days. Meloni works and slavishly, goes to Brussels and pursues foreign policy with Macron and Scholtz, he stays at home and returns to the profession of Michelasso. Eat, drink and go for a walk.

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