EU Peace Council. Meloni dampens the Euro-polemics. Densely disputed with Gentiloni

EU Peace Council.  Meloni dampens the Euro-polemics.  Densely disputed with Gentiloni


Brussels, from our correspondent. Melon color scheme. After the turquoise kombat of the speech shouted to the Chambers, the premier enters the building of the European Council with a complete warm face powder. The image and the comparison are editorial means. And the tones, given the context, this time are moderate on the red carpet where she positions herself to answer reporters’ questions. Giorgia Meloni’s gaze is relaxed. The troubles, of course, are called Mes – as the president of the Eurogroup Paschal Donohoe reminds her once again – and then the third installment of the Pnrr that is about to arrive, but it’s not there yet. Without to forget the vigorous confrontation opened with the ECB. We are also here to rebuild the bridges blown up the day before in Rome. This is why Minister Raffaele Fitto meets Paolo Gentiloni, after the thunderbolts sent to him by the Prime Minister in the Senate, accusing him of not having checked the recovery and resilience plan. To see the glass half full, Meloni takes refuge in the migrant dossier. A chapter on which you have so far managed to achieve quite undeniable success: the recognition of the external dimension. “We have really managed to change the point of view of the EU also with the contribution of other nations, from the age-old division between countries of first arrival and countries of secondary movements”.

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