End of the third pole, Renzi: “It was a mistake to break, Calenda wanted it: we have a clear conscience”

End of the third pole, Renzi: "It was a mistake to break, Calenda wanted it: we have a clear conscience"


“It was a unilateral decision by calendar, which I respect but do not share. That’s how it went but we can’t reproach ourselves for anything. We have done everything and we have a clear conscience”. The first to speak today is Matthew Renzi. He speaks on Radio Leopolda, tells his version of himself and doesn’t blame himself for the failure of the single-party project of the Third Pole, “definitively dead”, as he said yesterday Charles Calenda: “I couldn’t do more – says the elader of Italia Viva – there is no political motivation for this break. It went as it went, we did everything not to blow up the little game but today we hear that the single party died without even having the good taste to hold a meeting”.

The bitterness remains, “it’s also mine for the militants – continues Renzi – if there had been a political reason to break up we would have gotten over it. With Action we had two different lines on Conte due. But I no longer want to argue , yesterday I only tweeted, I have shown in recent months that I am fully available. I could not do more, there is no political motivation for this break. Carlo has decided to call a meeting, postpone it, let us know via press that the single party was dead, I would say that it is useless now to hold the blame, let’s talk about the future. Calenda does not want to be a single party, it is a mistake and a unilateral choice “, continues the former prime minister.

The split was a mistake but “it’s not the end of the world, we’re starting over and we’ll try to work together without relaunching the controversies. I’ve seen controversies about me from those who have grown up politically at the Leopolda and wanted to postpone the Leopolda. Why do we have to say no to a beautiful space?” asks the leader of Iv. Which speaks of the two main reasons that led to the divorce with Action. In addition to Leopolda, the other delicate issue was money. “We have given the willingness to do 50 and 50, as we did on the Calenda posters in Friuli. Italia Viva also put tens of thousands of euros into that campaign to promote the face of Calenda. We have also given the willingness to dissolve the left on October 30. The Action proposals and those of Italia viva show that there was no reason to break”, he adds.

Renzi is keen to clarify, in the aftermath of the end of the single party, that Iv is “open to any type of collaboration, even with Action, in the territories we must not make any reaction fouls, in the parliamentary groups we go forward together, we try to do everything except reaction fouls. No to controversy, in the coming weeks we will relaunch some initiatives and our doors are open to liberals, popular, civic lists, +Europe. We must work together”.

Question The Reformist. Before Easter, the sudden announcement of the new position as editorial director of the newspaper, then the choice of the former Forza Italia deputy Andrea Ruggierias his right-hand man, Renzi now explains: “Calenda had the idea of ​​making the newspaper of the Third Pole, I said ‘no’, the Reformist is a space of freedom” which is also aimed at “Pd voters as well as administrators of the League. Is a problem a parliamentarian who is the director? – asks the leader of IV – It has always been like this, he has done it Mattarella much more authoritative than me, he did D’Alema and here I don’t feel like saying equally authoritatively, they did it Craxi, Nenni. It has been an Italian tradition to have political leaders who feed the debate in the newspapers, since the days of Ricasoli. Also swordsmen he was a newspaper editor”, he concludes.


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