Elly Schlein and the secular cyclone that awakens Catholics

Elly Schlein and the secular cyclone that awakens Catholics


ROME. There is something new, indeed something ancient, that is moving in the great Catholic galaxy: even in the light of the “secular cyclone” brought about by Elly Schlein, the voices and impulses of those who think of a more active commitment in politics of all that very complex world. A strong signal of this ferment starts today in Rome from the headquarters of the Sturzo Institute, where two of the most thinking “heads” of recent Italian history meet – the founder of Censis Giuseppe De Rita and the former president of the Council and of the Consulta Giuliano Amato – and together with them two historians such as Agostino Giovagnoli and Paolo Pombeni; Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, one of the creators of the Community of Sant’Egidio; Gennaro Acquaviva, one of the protagonists of the revision of the 1984 Concordat.

If Elly Schlein slips on the trench coat

Maria Rosa Tomasello

They will meet to discuss these issues, starting from an evocative place: “Rethinking Camaldoli. The indispensability of a great commitment by Catholics”. Camaldoli understood as one of the moments that – with the world war still in progress – preceded the birth of the DC, which would later prove to be the hegemonic party after the war and would remain so for 50 years.

Explains Gennaro Acquaviva, president of the Socialism Association, former manager of ACLI and Livio Labor’s Workers’ Political Movement: “There is no doubt that the legitimate affirmation in the Democratic Party of a leadership like that of Elly Schlein is once again proposing old questions to all a world in which unease is growing. It is a matter of understanding whether the conditions are there for a new commitment in politics. So not just preaching, but practicing some values ​​through the activation of a new ruling class, which starts from solidarity and generous experiences such as those of the Third Sector, Sant’Egidio, Caritas, Catholic Action, many other realities, starting with the network of almost 30,000 parishes. A force capable of making a difference, of putting a supportive, prepared policy back on the circuit, marked by a civil commitment, obviously not clerical”.

This will be discussed at the Istituto Sturzo and also the operational proposals that could support a possible new commitment: for example a Foundation which, with the active support of the CEI, is capable of preparing a new managerial class, thousands of cadres capable of activating lists civics, a visible and “tangible” Catholic presence in the universe of Italian politics.


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