Elections are not a beauty pageant. Long live Moratti and D’Amato

Elections are not a beauty pageant.  Long live Moratti and D'Amato


The right does not have too many scruples and wins. TO on the left, the electoral one is considered almost a competitive contest between identities, a purity test. The mysteries of politics that he considers inessential to prevail

It has not yet been understood what the elections are for. The right thinks they are used to win, they don’t have too many scruples, and they win. TO on the left, the electoral one is a competitive contest between identities, in short, a beauty contest, if not purity. Thus the elections are lost to the advantage of the opponents. Then you protest and begin endless and boring crossings in the desert, unless you manage to overturn the result of the polls in the assemblies, which is legitimate in itself but which, like donuts, does not always succeed with the hole.

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