Eau de Angelo Mellone. Phenomenology of the most sought-after Rai director

Eau de Angelo Mellone.  Phenomenology of the most sought-after Rai director


Nevermore without. It’s called Eau de Mellone and it’s the most sprayed fragrance in Rai. J’adore! Fashion designer Tom Ford has an heir. We were about to write an article on the qualities of the CEO of Rai, Roberto Sergio, General Patton, a guest at the Festa del Foglio (“welcome, paisà”), but the genius manifested itself. At the presentation of the summer programs, Angelo Mellone, the new Rai entertainment director, definitively changed the 2023/2024 television clothing. Tiberio Timperi, present, seemed dressed like a warehouseman. From now on it’s just dressed like Tom Mellone. The invitation letter: “It’s the event of the week of Rai fashion. 12, Mazzini. Do not miss”. Our signature, Fabiana Giacomotti, was supposed to go, but Fabiana wants us to do her nails and bones: “Go, and then tell me”. Dear Fabiana, believe us, we are dealing with an amazing talent.

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