“Dutiful dialogue between the Democratic Party and the M5s”. Michela Di Biase speaks (from the Schlein side).

"Dutiful dialogue between the Democratic Party and the M5s".  Michela Di Biase speaks (from the Schlein side).


The dem deputy hopes “an effort of dialogue to be more incisive and oppose the majority in deeds”, opening up to pentastellati. And on the vote in the regional elections, she advises “getting there without giving in to catastrophism”

The Pd congress, the future, the past, the shadow of the red and yellow government and the memories of the Draghi government, always with the sting of the relationship with the former prime minister and former ally Giuseppe Conte. That wasn’t enough, in the last few days the question of the former grillino and MEP Dino Giarrusso has arisen, who wants to enter the Democratic Party from the side of the favorite candidate for the secretariat Stefano Bonaccini (after having tried from the Schlein side), that is from the dem side that has always been thought was less inclined to leave room for maneuver to those who, until the day before yesterday, worked for the M5s against the Democratic Party. And back to the start: if there are ambiguities towards everything to the left of the Democratic Party, wouldn’t it be better to clarify the positions once and for all, to avoid finding ourselves in the situation in which Bonaccini found himself? In other words, from the Schlein side we think: we have been saying it for some time that, in perspective, it will not be possible to disregard a cordial understanding with the formations to the left of the Democratic Party, how do the others position themselves, really?

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