Draghiana or sovereignist? Because Meloni plays everything in Europe in one month

Draghiana or sovereignist?  Because Meloni plays everything in Europe in one month


Mes, Pnrr and bathing establishments. 20 billion are dancing, and Italy’s negotiating weight on the negotiations for the Stability Pact. Macron, the newfound friend, is already huffing. The Quirinale expects clear and resolute answers. And in the meantime, the oppositions are moving together, for once: “Recovery is no joke”

Cruel? Maybe. Unless we mean that particular form of cruelty which consists in forcing anyone to lay down any ambiguity, to abandon any dissimulation. Because in this case, then, yes, April, for Giorgia Meloni, could really prove to be the cruellest of the six months spent at Palazzo Chigi. In the next thirty days, the prime minister will have to demonstrate how she wants to stay in Europe, and she will have to do it on at least three delicate dossiers. If the Pnrr is the most complicated, because it is on what billions and future prospects on budgetary rules depend, the other two will define the context in which the confrontation with the Commission, on the Recovery, will take place. And it is no coincidence that the Quirinale awaits resolute answers on one, the bathing establishments; on the other, the Mes, it is Parliament that demands them.

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