divided parties, skip live TV. Whipped by the Democratic Party, M5S in silence – Corriere.it

divided parties, skip live TV.  Whipped by the Democratic Party, M5S in silence - Corriere.it


Of Claudio Bozza

The memory of the leader of Forza. Foti (FdI): «The hate continues ad personam». Dem Braga: «Convinced that what he did is far from saving». The Five Stars do not applaud

The Chamber of Deputies observed a minute of silence and gave a round of applause in memory of Silvio Berlusconi,
whose figure was remembered by the president Lorenzo Fontana: «He went through crucial and complex phases of the life of the country as an absolute protagonist, leaving a strong and indelible mark on the Italian, European and international economic, industrial and political history». At the end of the funeral oration, the deputies of the M5S, of Avs and part of the Pd group did not clap their hands. Among the dem exponents, the former secretary Enrico Letta applauded instead. In the stands, as already happened in Palazzo Madama, Gianni Letta was present, for a lifetime political adviser to the Knight.

However, live TV was skipped for the commemoration in Montecitorio, due to divisions between the parties. “Today this House missed an opportunity. Denying the live broadcast of this commemoration when it was granted in the Senate means that many years have passed but the hate ad personam continues”, says the group leader of FdI Tommaso Foti. And then: «One can be opponents and even enemies but when one wins in all fields and doesn’t give up, he still deserves to be appreciated for his will as a fighter which he has shown throughout his life».

«Never before has the expression unbridgeable void been appropriate, in its broadest and most total meaning. The one left by Silvio Berlusconi is really an unfillable void», is the heartfelt one memory of the group leader of Forza Italia, Paolo Barelli.

Also heartfelt the memory of Riccardo Molinari, Northern League group leader: “Berlusconi had to spend thirty years defending himself from defamatory accusations, which also undermined his health, he suffered the humiliation of being expelled from the Senate of the Republic, he continued to fight with such humility, returning to the Senate through the main door”.

“Silvio Berlusconi was the mentor who pushed me into politics, who passed on this passion to me, who chose me first as a deputy and then as a minister – are the words of Mara Carfagna, deputy of Action —. I don’t forget this and for that I will always be grateful. When our political paths divided, respect and gratitude did not fail”.

A memory from the Democratic Party with some lashings: «With his disappearance a political cycle closes, with respect to which the evaluations and judgments between us inevitably differ, as always happens in the face of a historical perspective – says the group leader dem Chiara Braga – . We are convinced that not everything that Silvio Berlusconi has represented should be exalted or saved. far from it». And, he observes, «for these reasons, even in the past few days, we would have expected more sobriety and respect for those who did not participate in so much glory. A choice was made by the current government, which we respected but did not share”. Finally: «Rival but never enemy: with these words many on the left have remembered Berlusconi. We want to reclaim that political rivalry and it will be the one we will continue to exercise towards today’s Italian right, which found its foundation in Berlusconi’s long political season and which however today appears very distant from that idea of ​​a moderate and pro-European right that Berlusconi attempted to tell in his political story».

Finally, the 5 Star Movement took part in the commemoration in silence and none of its deputies took the floor. The choice, already made in the Senate, is determined by due respect for Berlusconi’s family and for his political community, but also by coherence towards the values ​​and battles of the Movement – ​​explain the party led by Giuseppe Conte -. In recent days we have already reiterated the great differences between Berlusconi’s political history and ours, as well as our strong opposition to the institution of national mourning for his disappearance and to a unified network media narrative that has deliberately removed his political responsibilities and cultural”.

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June 22, 2023 (change June 22, 2023 | 11:37 am)


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