Dense in trouble on the Pnrr. The three ongoing negotiations between the government and the Commission

Dense in trouble on the Pnrr.  The three ongoing negotiations between the government and the Commission


The minister for European affairs between the rearrangement of the control room and those 19 billion that must be armored. The analysis from Brussels is long in coming. But the biggest stumbling block concerns the modification of the Plan itself, and Meloni is called to give a signal on this too

That things have gotten complicated, it seemed clear last Friday. When, during the last conversation between the government and the European Commission, the technicians of Ursula von der Leyen asked for an account of the progress of the works. “Because, at the moment, we haven’t received anything.” In short, the decree with which Raffaele Fitto would like to redesign the governance of the Pnrr there is still no, despite the deadlines indicated. And this gives a sense of the tension running along the axis between Rome and Brussels.

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