Commission inspectors ask for melons on the Pnrr, but have to deal with government tensions

Commission inspectors ask for melons on the Pnrr, but have to deal with government tensions


The new governance presented to officials in Brussels. Unknowns and absences. The Mef mutinies against Palazzo Chigi, Salvini does not want to give up his funds, Meloni is caught between Confindustria and the mayors. And in the meantime, the changes to the Plan are not there yet. “The end of August deadline is not the one we advise you to stick to”, recommended by the Commission. But there are no concrete developments

The solicitation was clearly formulated. “The final deadline is not the one we suggest you stick to.” In short, don’t wait for August 31st: this is the advice that the inspectors of the European Commission, once they arrived in Rome, offered the Italian government. And certainly the accumulated delays, the hesitations shown up to now, were enough to suggest that on the modification of the Pnrr and on the launch of the RePowerEu, Raffaele Fitto and Giorgia Meloni will hardly manage to close the dossier before that fateful date. And yet, the officials who arrived from Brussels were offered a further, tangible demonstration of how the slowness of the Italian Recovery is also dictated by political tensions all within the executive. Here then is Giorgetti’s Mef which mutinies against Palazzo Chigi, and Salvini’s MIT which does not want to give in to Fitto, and the premier squeezed between Confindustria and the municipalities.

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