Clash on the Pnrr, because Meloni has decided to break with Gentiloni

Clash on the Pnrr, because Meloni has decided to break with Gentiloni


The frontal attack in the Senate startles the Commission technicians: “There will be a before and an after in relations with Rome”. The anguish over the Recovery, the fear of giving consent to Salvini, the anger of Fitto, who tries to explain the mess on the Mes to the Eurogroup, while the majority aims to suspend everything

The Commission technicians who work with him, to read about theattack addressed to him by Giorgia Meloni, they startled: “Something like this marks a before and an after”. But between the two phases, between the before and after, there was a troubled interlude. And that’s where she matured the premier’s intolerance towards Paolo Gentiloni. The end of the “before” takes place in early June, in a meeting of the elite of the Flame. It is there that the head of FdI, after being briefed by Fitto on the reason for such fury from Brussels on the Pnrr, blurts out: “We are at the usual, they want to do blood tests, rather than verifying the Recovery targets”.

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