Cimberio forerunner in gender equality

Cimberio forerunner in gender equality


Culture and strategy. And then governance, HR processes, opportunities for growth and inclusion of women in the company, remuneration equity and protection of parenthood. These are the dimensions analyzed by Icim to grant the Piedmontese valve manufacturer Cimberio the gender equality certificate. It is the first engineering group in the area to obtain it, one of the first in Italy in an industrial sector traditionally considered “male”.

It is the result of a process achieved thanks to ICIM’s verification of all the requirements in the six assessment areas envisaged in the standard. Choices that in reality, beyond the ethical profile, bring further benefits: numerous studies now show how the most inclusive companies are able to attract and keep the best talents and create higher value. Gender equality is therefore not only an ethical issue but it is an engine of economic growth.

«The first comment that comes to mind when thinking about this certification is: beautiful! In fact – explains the CEO of the company Roberto Cimberio – I’m really happy to have certified what has always been a reality in this company, an idea shared at all levels. Gender equality is a serious matter and here at Cimberio we have always taken it seriously, in the knowledge that we live in a sector that carries with it a cultural taint that sees it as strictly reserved for men. Instead, I believe, and we are an example, that even a company like ours can pursue serious policies that see men and women employed with the aim of understanding their respective characteristics and peculiarities, enhancing and supporting them. This certification gives us more awareness within the company and places us in a different way towards the outside: whoever comes to work here, man or woman, has the same opportunities and the same treatment. I personally thank those who followed the certification process, and those who gave us the opportunity to give an official seal to our way of being a company».

«We are proud to deliver this certificate to Cimberio – explains Federico Pasqui, CEO of ICIM SpA -, a reality that belongs to the world of mechanics, the same one that saw the birth, now more than thirty years ago, of our Certification that has now evolved into a broader Group with transversal skills in consultancy, tests, training, at the service of companies that are facing the digital and ecological transition. The certification of gender equality is the operational tool that encourages the adoption of concrete policies and measures towards inclusiveness and the enhancement of diversity, but at the same time recognizes the importance of behaviors already widely applied in companies: it is a point of arrival and new departure. It is an issue that concerns the whole world of work and is a pillar of social sustainability».

Cimberio, with 175 employees and six foreign branches, is one of the historical realities of the taps and valves district of the Novara area, specialized in particular in the production of brass valves and components for the plumbing and heating, air conditioning, gas and water distribution networks, with the The entire production is concentrated in the factories of San Maurizio d’Opaglio and Pogno. The company has also taken over control of a start-up from the Milan Polytechnic to begin offering digital solutions for controlling energy consumption within the workplace.


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