Chaos in the Council for the elections of the Chamber, the Five Stars occupy the hall

Chaos in the Council for the elections of the Chamber, the Five Stars occupy the hall


ROME. Chaos in the Council for the elections of the Chamber. The afternoon session was skipped due to the occupation of the classroom by the Cinquestelle Movement which protests against an amendment by the majority on the recount of electoral ballots which would effectively remove a seat from Giuseppe Conte’s party. The session, suspended, will resume in the evening in a place “protected by the clerks” to prevent a new protest.
The protest concerns the Pittalis (Fi) amendment on the nullity of ballots. The centre-right proposes that ballot papers in which votes have been cast on several lists in support of the same candidate in single-member constituencies, currently considered null, should also be considered valid. The amendment was signed by the entire majority and there is a similar one signed by Benedetto Della Vedova. One of the Democratic Party, on the other hand, asks that the rule, inserted in the last legislature on the M5S proposal, be abolished.
The discussion has been going on for weeks, with the 5 stars against. For Giuseppe Conte’s party it is an “attempt to subvert the democratic vote”. The question concerns in particular the appeal presented in Calabria by the blue candidate Andrea Gentile, an unelected result, while the victory was awarded to the M5S Anna Laura Orrico.
The possible reversal of the result, if the amendment passes, concerns at least 13 constituencies that have had an outcome on the wire. A study commissioned by the M5S speaks of about thirty MPs with their seats at risk. There are also big names like the minister Eugenia Roccella, the former minister Roberto Speranza, Umberto Bossi. But the center-right goes on the attack, accusing the pentastellati of spreading disinformation. «It is artfully false and falsified information and I must say that it assumes grotesque tones. The issue is limited to four appeals in single-member elections», Pittalis cuts short.


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