Carlo Lerner, this is what the Juve case really represents

Carlo Lerner, this is what the Juve case really represents


In a formidable, suggestive and significant supercazzola published yesterday on Everyday occurrence on the case of the judicial misadventures of Juventus, an authoritative journalist, Gad Lernerhas offered its readers the worst possible key in the world to try to orient themselves on Agnelli case and on the attempt by Juventus, we don’t know how successful, to superfuck Consob by messing with their own financial statements. Title: “From Juve’s troubles to Ilva. A kick to capitalism”. Carrying out: the Juve case is the perfect example of a rotten, rotten, sick capitalist system and it is a piece of a larger mosaic, of a series “of bankruptcy operations that undermine our economic system at the very root where private enterprise should have played a leading role”.

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