Bullying, “Ikos”, a short film about bullying written and directed by Giuseppe Sciarra and starring Edoardo Purgatori

Bullying, "Ikos", a short film about bullying written and directed by Giuseppe Sciarra and starring Edoardo Purgatori


ROME – Saturday 13 May at 6.30pm, FilmstudioCult to the Tordinona Theatre presents ikosa short film about bullying written and directed by Giuseppe Sciarra and starring the young actor Edoardo Purgatori, in the cast of “Le Fate ignoranti”, “Siccità”, “Romantiche”. IKOS is a work of denunciation in which Sciarra, also through the interpretation of his alter ego Edoardo Purgatori, tells his story of a bullied teenager through archive images, performance art and chamber cinema. Violence and abuses that took place in the province of Foggia in the 90s fomented by the alleged homosexuality of the young victim.

Dialogue and sharing with the public. Bullying is just one of the topics that the filmstudio wants to deal with in a climate of dialogue and sharing with the public and is a starting point for discussing the abuses and abuses that occur every day in every sector of our society. “filmstudio it is a place where cinema is made to talk about reality and return to a civil awareness that involves people.” said Giuseppe Sciarra, who also with IKOS actively participates in the development of the project filmstudio to the Tordinona Theatre.


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