Btp Value with increasing coupons, minimum yield of 3.25% in the first 2 years and then 4%

Btp Value with increasing coupons, minimum yield of 3.25% in the first 2 years and then 4%


Guaranteed minimum coupon rates at 3.25% and 4%

The guaranteed minimum coupon rates for the first issue of the BTp Valore, scheduled from Monday 5 to Friday 9 June, are equal to 3.25% for the first and second year and 4% for the third and fourth year. The Ministry of the Economy then specified that at the end of the placement the final coupon rates will be announced and may be confirmed or revised, but only upwards, based on the market conditions on the closing day of the issue. The BTp Valore, whose Isin code during the placement period IT0005547390, reserved solely for the retail market and provides for semi-annual nominal coupons and a 4-year maturity with an extra final loyalty bonus equal to 0.5% of the invested capital. It is, therefore, a new family of government bonds designed for small savers.


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