Berlusconi hospitalized in San Raffaele hospital

Berlusconi hospitalized in San Raffaele hospital


MILAN. The leader of Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi, according to what we learn, is at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan. The former prime minister, again according to what is learned, would have recently arrived at the facility, accompanied by an escort and is currently in the Q1 ward (not in intensive care), where he was during his last hospitalization.

The former premier returned to the hospital three weeks after his resignation: in April the leader of Forza Italia was hospitalized for a series of complications related to his pathology, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia.

FI, Berlusconi: “I’m here for you, in a jacket and shirt after a month”

Berlusconi had first been in intensive care and then in ordinary hospitalization. Tomorrow a summit was scheduled in his villa in Arcore with the “general staff” of Forza Italia.


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