Berlusconi, cautious trust. The leader would like to go home. Gianni Letta’s visit –

Berlusconi, cautious trust.  The leader would like to go home.  Gianni Letta's visit -


Of Sarah Bettoni

The right arm: on the road to rebirth, if not resurrection. His children Marina and Pier Silvio, his brother Paolo and his friend Confalonieri returned to the San Raffaele. Marta Fascina always in the hospital

On the fourth day of Silvio Berlusconi’s hospitalization, the comings and goings around the lowered San Raffaele. The health conditions of the former prime minister remain serious due to chronic leukemia and pneumonia. But the tension eased. The tone of the day dictated by the words of Gianni Letta, undersecretary to the presidency of the Council during the four Berlusconi governments. Leaving the hospital shortly after noon, he replies to reporters who ask him how his friend is. You know him, every time he sets himself a goal he has achieved it. And this time too I think he’s on that path.

He says he visited him in intensive care and to have spoken to him, maintaining the necessary precautions and wearing a mask. I found it better than I thought. Then he goes further, letting a vein of optimism leak out: We can send him an Easter wish, because he has taken the path of rebirth, if not resurrection. And to those who ask him if the leader is pressing to return to the field, he replies: Absolutely yes.

According to some sources, the former premier is already asking to go home, desire common to many patients. However, the delicate clinical picture should not be forgotten. Paolo Barelli, group leader in the Camera di Forza Italia underlines it well, to the La7 cameras: Berlusconi responds to therapies, this is very important and bodes well – he says -: obviously, it is a question of a person, a politician, an entrepreneur who he has not spared himself in life, a boy of a certain age, therefore prudence is obvious. Antonio Tajani, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister as well as co-founder of Forza Italia, also preaches caution. If on the one hand he recalls that a lion, everyone is optimistic and we are convinced that he will be back soon, adding that the party event in Milan on May 5 and 6 could mark his reappearance in public, on the other he remarks: We must not underestimate the risks of the disease, so it is right that it is under the supervision of the doctors.

Wishes for a speedy recovery then come from Licia Ronzulli, president of the senators of FI who has recently been removed from the coordination of Lombardy. In a reply to the background on the future of the party, he reiterates: Berlusconi is facing the biggest challenge with strength and tenacity, which he will win by coming back stronger than before.

The family constantly makes its closeness felt to the leader and maintains confidentiality. Paolo was among the first to reach the hospital in the morning. He enters through the gate that opens onto via Olgettina and after a few steps into building Q, where his brother is hospitalized in the basement. In the mid-afternoon, the photographers’ lenses also portray their children Marina and Pier Silvio. Before them, Luigi arrives at the San Raffaele. he’s the only one to give the journalists a few words: he’s better, thank you, he says referring to the father. The visit of Fedele Confalonieri, president of MediaForEurope into which Mediaset merged, was not to be missed. While his partner Marta Fascina never leaves the hospital.

A billboard stands out in the internal gardens with Berlusconi’s face and a Monza flag. The team failed to go beyond a 2 to 2 with Udinese. We are sorry because we wanted to give the victory to our president – says coach Raffaele Palladino -, but we are convinced that we have interpreted his spirit. Just like him, we fought like lions until the 1990s.

April 8, 2023 (change April 8, 2023 | 21:13)


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