Because the appointments of Cav. and Lega can be explained with their positions on the war

Because the appointments of Cav.  and Lega can be explained with their positions on the war


The more one goes on in the political confrontation within the center-right, the more the single parties register the government majority an objective “symmetry of desires” which embraces the war that is shaking the eastern quadrant and the cleanup at the top of the large Italian public companies. The Ukrainian-skeptical positions (to use an obvious understatement) of Silvio Berlusconi and the League on the evolution of the conflict in the east magically overlap with requests not only to behead presidents and CEOs of the Six Sisters (Eni, Leonardo, Enel and the others) but also to make room in the front lines of management (the “change of pace” peremptorily requested by Via Bellerio from the premier).

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