Because optimism is also needed with Elly Schlein

Because optimism is also needed with Elly Schlein


It’s not our cup of tea, but the leader of the Democrats can help to have a stronger Democratic Party, a weaker M5s, a more perky Third Pole and even a more responsible majority. Don’t believe it? Take a test

The question is dry and even brutal, but it cannot fail to be asked by those who seek every day a reason to observe the future without the lens of catastrophism. And the question is this: but can one be irresponsibly optimistic about Elly Schlein as well? The answer, net of the political supercazzole halfway between Nichi Vendola and Alessandro Di Battista of the new secretary of the Democratic Party, is that yes: even those who do not consider Elly Schlein their cup of tea, like us, can see some positive element in his ascent. The reasons that follow are different from the delicious ones that prompted Fedele Confalonieri, president of Mediaset and historical friend of Silvio Berlusconi, to confide in Francesco Verderami, on the Corriere della Sera, his “sympathy” towards the new leader of the Democratic Party (“The mere fact that she is Agostino Viviani’s granddaughter makes me like her”, said Confalonieri referring to Schlein’s grandfather, Viviani, lawyer, guarantor and socialist who “when Forza Italia was born Silvio wanted with him”). And they are reasons that have to do with two important issues.

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