Because comparing Meloni to Pinochet doesn’t make any sense

Because comparing Meloni to Pinochet doesn't make any sense


The comments on the Meloni government’s Labor decree show a loss of lucidity, even in those who did not show signs of still having any. The sociologist Dominic DeMasiknown for having invented a singular theory “Work for free, work for everyone”, not surprisingly an intellectual point of reference for the M5s and consequently director of the “School of Daily Facts”, he compared Giorgia Meloni to the Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. The thesis is that until now, in the world modeled by Giuseppe Conte, everything worked perfectly: the basic income had abolished poverty, the Dignity decree had abolished precariousness and “thanks to the navigators, more than 300,000 unemployed have found work”. Then came Meloni who dismantled everything thus undermining “the neoliberal supremacy that belonged to the English Thatcher in the 1980s and the Chilean Pinochet in the 1970s and 1980s”. And this is because you “abolished the Dignity decree which guaranteed the ultra-precarious and distorted the Citizenship Income which assisted the poorest”, recalling precisely the English and Chilean “disasters”. But Giorgia Meloni is not Thatcher, unfortunately, and neither is Pinochet, fortunately. The Labor decree reduces taxes on workers for a while, widens the reasons for the renewal of fixed-term contracts and makes a botched reform of the RDC. It is nothing revolutionary or reactionary. There are measures that are obviously open to criticism, but the comparison with a dictator makes no sense. It is only a measure of the author’s ideological obtuseness, who in the past had already compared (not ironically) Luigi Di Maio, then leader of the M5s, to Jesus Christ. With the same lucidity he now compares Meloni to Pinochet. And in any case, for a work sociologist, these are statements that have a greater basis than the belief that “thanks to navigators more than 300,000 unemployed have found work”.

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