Because a summer of tensions between Rome and Brussels on the Pnrr is expected

Because a summer of tensions between Rome and Brussels on the Pnrr is expected


The Meloni government’s complaints about the Recovery seen by Commission officials: “You don’t have to explain to us why you think the rules are wrong, but how you intend to respect them”. The anomaly on loans, the deadlines of the RePowerEu, the delays on project modifications

The short circuit is all in an exchange of jokes. More than a dispute, the observation of an ideal lag, the distance that exists between the sovereign government and the European Commission. “In short, we don’t expect you to explain to us why the rules set for you are wrong, we expect you to tell us how you intend to respect them”: this is what Italian government delegates heard from Brussels officials at one of the last operational meetings on the Pnrr. In fact, the parameters that were violated were discussed: those on which the certification of the December objectives depends, and therefore the 19 billion installment. But the misunderstandings also lie elsewhere. And they have to do with an approach, the one adopted by Raffaele Fitto, which in the eyes of those responsible for the Commission appears, at the same time, too political and too little.

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