Autonomy, negotiations and finishing touches. Checks by

Autonomy, negotiations and finishing touches.  Checks by


Of Marco Cremonesi and Monica Guerzoni

Tomorrow the text to the CDM. The protest of the oppositions

“Almost secession” according to the oppositions already on the barricades or enhancement of the territories for the right-wing government: the differentiated autonomy for the Regions will arrive tomorrow in the Council of Ministers. Not everything is perfected yet, until the last moment there may be changes. Also because the Quirinale is monitoring the development of the provision step by step.

But the majority – and above all the League – is compacted behind the fact of a provision which, after controversy and torment, arrives at Palazzo Chigi. The most satisfied seems to be Luca Zaia, the governor who, with Roberto Maroni, led the Veneto and Lombardy referendums: «It will be a historic day. Not only will answers be given to those who, like the Veneto region, have been asking for this project for years, but it will finally be an opportunity to implement the dictates of the founding fathers». While Stefano Bonaccini, the governor of the Democratic Party who in turn asked the state for certain responsibilities for Emilia-Romagna, distances himself from what will arrive on the government table: «The differentiated autonomy that I propose is fine, that of Calderoli is unacceptable . Divisive subjects such as school must be removed. It can be seriously discussed but it cannot be the scalp to give to the League ». While Matteo Salvini himself observes that “Autonomy and presidentialism are both in the government program and both are going ahead”.

From the Third Pole, even the former Minister for Regional Affairs Mariastella Gelmini is convinced that the new draft is only “an electoral banner for the League”.

The file of the Calderoli law it’s at the top of the pile on Giorgia Meloni’s desk. The Prime Minister, whose heart beats on the side of centralism, cannot slow down the reform process because the League would open the confrontation, jeopardizing the hold on the majority. But she doesn’t even want to risk that the autonomist turn jeopardizes the “unity of the nation”, a key slogan for right-wing leaders. Two days ago, speaking to the Eur Nuvola, Meloni put his face in it, said “no to Serie A and Serie B citizens” and undertook to design “a single Italy with equal services and rights for all”. And yesterday, rattling off the government’s “one hundred shares in one hundred days” via social media, you reiterated: “Every citizen, every territory must have the same attention”.

Beliefs that helped determine the latest changes to Calderoli’s text. The revision of the draft, apart from i caveats entered by the Ministry of the Economy regarding the Lep, it saw the technical and political supervision of the Quirinale. The President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who at the presentation of the Polis project by Poste Italiane had warned the government of the danger of taking away “essential services from the territories”, has set himself up as a barrier and guarantor of the country’s unity. A solid bank, on which the premier was able to lean. The most obvious consequence is that the new text will take greater account of Parliament’s prerogatives, so that the role of the Chambers in the legislative process is effective and not merely one of ratification. “Parliament will be fully involved,” they assure Palazzo Chigi. Where Meloni, who built his electoral success starting from the forts of Rome, in the center and in the south, continues to repeat “territorial cohesion is fundamental”.

January 31, 2023 (change January 31, 2023 | 22:35)


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