Aunt Meloni. Schlein’s election is “lucky for us”. For the participating companies, he wants pink profiles

Aunt Meloni.  Schlein's election is "lucky for us".  For the participating companies, he wants pink profiles


It was almost there and Giorgia Meloni also voted for it. She frees up space for her in the centre, she offers her a pretext to curb the appetites of her allies, she allows her to repeat that “it is one thing to govern and another to speak like students in busy high schools”. In short: for the premier, the new secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schleinis “our magnificent opportunity”. The Democratic Party, Meloni predicts, “will radicalise to the left and we therefore have the possibility of attracting outgoing moderates”. He wants to practice climb tired reformists and mayors party which was the pride of the Democratic Party. Furthermore: Schlein’s language, again for Meloni, will do nothing but scare Confindustria and a society, such as the Italian one, which is elderly. If it were a family, Meloni would be the aunt and Schlein would be the rebellious niece, Elly in the metro.

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