At the Tourist Board the strange hiring of illustrious sons. There is the little hand of Palazzo Chigi

At the Tourist Board the strange hiring of illustrious sons.  There is the little hand of Palazzo Chigi


A series of excellent names figure among those hired at Enit: all temporarily “stranded”, in a very obvious and unpleasant conflict of interest. An operation that risks becoming very indigestible for the Meloni government

A specter is haunting the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Senate, the specter of the notorious ‘little hand’ capable of always wedging itself in laws and laws for decidedly questionable reasons. In the convoluted and nebulous process of approving the law converting the Milleproroghe decree-law, in the torrential sessions of the Commission, a provision is in fact waiting to appear for the hiring of children and grandchildren of very high state officials.

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