At the Pd congress it is Bonaccini against Schlein, but Renzi and D’Alema are the two ghosts

At the Pd congress it is Bonaccini against Schlein, but Renzi and D'Alema are the two ghosts


It was the return of Article One to the home of the fathers with the emotion of Dalemia Livia Turco, the quotation in Peppe Provenzano’s speech of the Art of War by Sun Tzu, a classic of Dalemia iconography since the 90s (details reported by Maria Teresa Meli in the Corriere) to clearly report, in the chronicles of the Pd congress, the specter of Massimo D’Alema juxtaposing it with the much more frequently sighted one of Matthew Renzi. The counter-evidence materialized immediately, in that sort of abjuration of the jobs act by Stefano Bonaccini which arrived immediately before the start of the primaries of the members. And again in the clumsy opening of Bonaccini himself to the former 5-star Dino Giarrusso which ended in a short circuit.

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